Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Lucky 7 Meme

Yay! This one looked fun, and since Hart Johnson tagged anyone who read hers, I am going to join her in rebelliousness. I hope you enjoy!

1 -Go to page 77 of your current MS
2 - Go to line 7
3 -Copy down the next seven lines –sentences or paragraphs – and post them as they’re written . No cheating.
4 -Tag 7 authors
5 -Let them know

Since my current WIP hasn't reached 77 pages yet, I am going to show y'all a little of THE HUNGRY GROUND. I hope you enjoy!


Kalinda’s footsteps crackled in the air around her. The quicker Isha explained himself, the quicker they could go. “How long have you been here?” she said.
“Oh, since this morning,” Isha said. “I had to take measurements—”
“You measured the room?” Dev rubbed his forehead.
“Of course not,” Isha said. “I measured the entire floor. And it doesn’t add up, just like I said. I was right.” He watched them both expectantly.
“Right about what?” Dev said. “Pretend for a second that I’m not as smart as you.”
“You’re not, Deva,” Isha said. Dev bristled. “Come on, you don’t notice it at all?”
      “Just tell us,” Kalinda said – the sky was getting redder, they had to go now. When Isha flinched, she sighed, “Please.”
 And as for tagging, I tag anyone who wants to play and hasn't yet! Can't wait to see your excerpts! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

New review at Afterglow!

Heyyy guys! You want to see me make flaily hands at a really good book? Go check out my review of THE PRICKER BOY by Reade Scott Whinnem. And then go read the book, because it is uh-may-zing.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Contest linkspam!

Happy March, everyone! Wow - is it really March already? I feel like February just blew by in a haze of hyperventilating and constantly refreshing my e-mail.

Okay, that's an exaggeration. (Sort of.) But since I started my revisions last summer, I got back into that groove of proactively working toward my goal, and now, five weeks after submitting my revised manuscript to Secret Agent Man, I am finally starting to readjust to submission mode. Otherwise known as waiting. Otherwise known as wild swings between periods of extreme optimism and periods of HE HATES IT HE HATES IT OH GODDDDDD. Y'all know how it is, I'm sure!

For those of you in proactive mode, however, I have seen a bunch of super-amazing contests around the blogosphere. If you have a finished manuscript, think about submitting to one of them! I will be there to cheer you on!

Operation Awesome's March Mystery Agent Contest. I can't believe it's been a year since I first entered a one-line pitch here! I did the Mystery Agent Contest a couple of times last year, and I met some really fantastic agents through it. And the Operation Awesome ladies are, to be uncreative for a moment, AWESOME. Slots are going fast, though, so hurry up! And make sure to check the Mystery Agent's desired genres!

The Liz Norris Pay It Forward Writing Contest opens today! Do you want to put your manuscript in front of sharkly super agent Janet Reid, and possibly win a trip to a writing conference? Of course you do. Head over there and check out the rules!

The Authoress' March Secret Agent contest opens on Monday. You'll want to be ready for this one. You can get tons of feedback on your first 250 words, and possibly even a partial or full request from the Secret Agent hirself. Details, including submission windows, are over on the MSFV blog.

Best of luck to all of us!